This post won’t get a lot of likes, and most likely it will cause resentment in many people.
But I will still express my point of view. Both as an entrepreneur and as a psychologist.
The post is directed specifically to entrepreneurs and doesn’t concern other persons.
Although…. «those who have ears, let them hear” (c).
From business comes the swan song and not only from the affected industries. They are whining, demanding something from the state. And with full confidence that the state «you owe us —and that’s it».
Well, first of all, the entrepreneur from the word — «to undertake».
So take action! Be creative, invent new ways, become more flexible and so on. When you make a choice to become a business owner, you need to somehow understand that there will be no pretzels from anyone. You’re the pretzel maker and no one else. You chose this path. Take responsibility! Basta.
After all, if you are smart, then you have a lot more candies than an employee. So why are you asking for help?
You are not retired, disabled, etc. You said you can take action. Well, act, the same amount of energy is spent on whining and on the right action. Don’t … whining takes more energy.
The state does not owe anything to business! He may volunteer to help with something, but he shouldn’t.
Secondly, a business that cannot survive at least 3 months of such turbulence… Maybe you don’t have to suffer? And do something else?
Third, moans that now small and medium-sized businesses will die…. I already wrote about the law of conservation of energy. If someone has lost, then someone has arrived.
Full of young and “hungry” who will not whine, but use energy to take the place of a whiner and expect help from the state.
After the crisis, everything will be fine, but only somewhere the owner will change. There will be restaurants, shopping centers, etc. But perhaps the owner will be from the young and “hungry”, well, maybe not young, old, but still flexible. And this is normal. These are the laws of business. Take action! Or…. it’s time to give way.
Fourth, the psychological aspect. Our (Russian) socio-cultural superstructure is to project the role of the parent on the state. Well, the broad masses make this projection, but leaders, entrepreneurs, etc.
Why do you stand in the position of a child and ask an adult for money for ice cream? It’s time to grow up and understand that no one owes anyone anything. No ice cream. You only owe it to yourself. And being a leader in a crisis is also responsible for your team. Find solutions, and people will follow you.
Or are colleagues lying and want more pretzels during the crisis?
In my opinion, the support measures are adequate for business. In 2008, this was not the case.
If you are a leader, take full (!) responsibility for yourself and your business.
If not, then evolution. The business cycle in nature.
And separately about howling, did not enter an emergency, etc. I am not a lawyer, but my lawyer sent me explanations from colleagues and himself that everything is an illusion. Buns will not be in an emergency, and it will be worse, primarily for business.
I’ll try to attach links. Or I’ll post them separately.
In short, stop whining and waiting for handouts. Go for it!
P.s: “The problem is that without taking risks, we risk a hundred times more” (c)
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